About me
I love to play with color and with texture
I believe that abstraction can speak to everybody and each observer can have their own experience while viewing my work. My creative process begins with the desire to use a specific color palette and not having any definitive composition planned; I never know what the final result will be and I do not plan ahead but instead, freely paint until I feel that the piece is complete.
Exhibitions & Festivals
From Paris to New-York
2008 - collective exhibition - Briss sur Forge (91)
2009 - Au facteur Cheval - individual exhibition – Versailles (78)
2012 - collective exhibition on Art fair in Antony (92)
2015 - collective exhibition in Galerie Métanoia - Paris (75)
2016 - collective exhibition Espace Vasarely – Antony (92)
2017 - from Januray, 20 to February 4th Exhibition " Art vivant " at Art Galery in Toulon (83)
2017 - September 17th, Carrousel de l'Art d'Antony, Antony (92)
2017 - November 1st- 5th - Grand Marché d'Art Contemporain, Place Joffre (Paris 75)
2018 - 21 avril - 6 mai - Salons des Arts D'Aujurd'hui - Abbatiale de Bernay (27300 Bernay)
2019 - May 9 -16th, Abstarct Art, Galerie libre est l'Art, 52 rue de Notre-Dame de Nazareth, 75003 Paris
2019 - September 28th - October 4th, Art and dreams ! Galerie libre est l'Art, 52 rue de Notre-Dame de Nazareth, 75003 Paris
2020 - exhibition and represtented artist by Agora Gallery, Chelsea, New York
2022 -collective exhibition " Abstract art", Galerie Libre est 'lArt, 5252 rue de Notre-Dame de Nazareth, 75003 Paris
2023 - September Art Fair "Carrousel d'Art" in Antony, Paris region